Sunday 2 February 2014

Swim Deep / Manchester Ritz

Last night Swim Deep took to The Ritz in Manchester for a one of show, set up by magazine The Fly. They were joined by Brighton band Magic Gang and Cambridge guys Bloody Knees.

Magic Gang started the evening with an enthusiastic performance, with a hazy indie pop sound that suited Swim Deep fans down to the ground. I was really impressed listening to these guys, and was disappointed to come home and find they only had one song online! I would really like to hear more from them and would definitely see them again if they were to venture back up North!
*On a side and completely shallow note, this band is made up of four very attractive people, which is always a plus point.* 

Next up was Bloody Knees, who we were eager to see after spending quite a bit of time talking to them outside the venue, or as bassist Sam commented 'being chat up by the band' (obviously referring to my very attractive friend Molly)! These guys had a completely different sound, much more raw and early Nirvana-esquqe, with screechy lyrics and great bass lines. They got the crowd moving, which was much-needed as they're not a band you want to stand still and listen to. The lead singer told the crowd how he'd lost his job in order to play the gig tonight, and for that reason alone we should be buying their split single released this month! 

Swim Deep entered the stage to the sound of the Jurrasic Park theme tune, which was interesting! They came out in coordinated white tops and patterned trousers, and immediately they showed a sense of enjoying the show. They opened with album favourite Francisco, a popular song that reminds almost everyone I know of summer 2013. As the usual front row hysterical chanting ensued, the band (mainly Cavan) responded well, waving at fans and answering them as they shouted stuff at the stage, which was met with more screaming. Popular roadie Mikey was evidently having a great time, singing along to each song (which surely he must be SICK of hearing by now?) and wearing a fez, and keyboardist James was busy grooving away with his little hand dancing. 

One of the things that separated this gig to the last 8 times I've seen them was the addition of the song Beach Justice in their set. As one of their first ever sound cloud uploads that didn't make it onto the album it was excellent to hear it again, as it was played when I saw them at The Brudnell on their first tour. I hate to say that the crowd sort of quietened for this song, as many of the fans didn't seem to know the words leaving only the very old fans singing along, and I urge any new fan who hasn't heard their earlier stuff to listen to it now. Beach Justice and Isla Vista are songs that should have made it to the album, and are probably two of their best. They also played festival favourite cover Girls Just Wanna Have Fun, which as always gets everyone going as an 80s classic. 

A highlight was obviously their final song, King City. It works so well as an end song because it is nearly everyones favourite, pretty much everyones first SD song they hear. Austin takes centre stage and danced in a way that I can only describe as karaoke dancing, which was amusing and entertaining, and the fact that both lead singers of Magic Gang and Bloody Knees were dragged over us crowd surfing was also pretty funny. This show was so enthusiastic and energetic it really changed my feelings for swim deep, as I was starting to go off them until last night when I remembered how fun they are live. A one of show worked in their favour, as it had a special occasion feel to it. Overall an excellent show. 

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